Microsoft - Building applications and solutions with Microsoft 365 core services



Slechts 4 dagen



Klas / Online / Hybride

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Volgende datum:

24/6/2024 (Maandag)


This accelerated Building applications and solutions with Microsoft 365 core services course, is designed for persons who are aspiring to the Microsoft Teams Application Developer role. In this course, you will learn how to build collaboration solutions leveraging 4 central elements of the Microsoft 365 platform: implementing Microsoft identity, working with Microsoft Graph, extending and customizing Microsoft 365 with SharePoint Framework, and building applications for Microsoft Teams.

In just 4 days, you’ll also learn how to:

  • In Implement Microsoft identity, you will learn to implement Microsoft identity including registering an application, implementing authentication, configuring permissions to consume an API, and creating a service to access Microsoft Graph.
  • In Work with Microsoft Graph, you will learn how to access user data, explore query parameters, manage a group lifecycle, access files, and optimize network traffic using Microsoft Graph. In Extend and customize Microsoft 365 with SharePoint Framework, students will learn about SharePoint Framework web parts, extensions, and how to package and deploy a SPFx solution.
  • In Build apps for Microsoft Teams, you will look at the components of a Teams App, work with webhooks, tabs, conversational bots, and other Microsoft Teams app capabilities. They will also learn to deploy Microsoft Teams apps.

At the end of this course, you’ll sit the Microsoft exam, and achieve your Building applications and solutions with Microsoft 365 core services certification.

Through Firebrand’s Lecture | Lab | Review methodology, you’ll get certified at twice the speed of the traditional training and get access to courseware, learn from certified instructors, and train in a distraction-free environment.


This course is ideal for:

  • People interested in the Microsoft 365 development platform or in passing the Microsoft Teams Application Developer Associate certification exam.

Zeven redenen waarom jij voor jouw cursus voor Firebrand kiest:

  1. Jij zal in slechts 4 dagen gecertificeerd zijn. Doordat onze cursussen residentieel zijn kunnen wij langere lesdagen aanbieden en zal je tijdens je verblijf volledig gefocust zijn op jouw cursus
  2. Onze cursus is all-inclusive. Cursusmaterialen, accommodatie en maaltijden zijn inbegrepen.
  3. Slaag de eerste keer voor of train gratis opnieuw.Op basis van onze certificeringsgarantie kun je voor het geval je de eerste keer niet slaagt binnen een jaar terugkomen en opnieuw trainen. Je betaalt dan alleen voor accommodatie en examens. De andere kosten zijn inbegrepen.
  4. Je zal meer over leren. Waar opleidingen elders doorgaans van 9:00 tot 17:00 duren, kan je bij Firebrand Training rekenen op 12 uur training per dag!
  5. Je zal sneller beheersen. Doordat onze cursussen residentieel zijn word je in korte tijd ondergedompeld in de theorie. Hierdoor zal je volledig gefocust zijn op de cursus en zal je sneller de theorie en praktijk beheersen.
  6. Je zal voor studeren bij de beste training provider. Firebrand heeft het Q-For kwaliteitlabel, waarmee onze standaarden en professionaliteit op het gebied van training erkend worden. We hebben inmiddels 134561 professionals getraind en gecertificeerd!
  7. Je gaat meer doen dan alleen de cursusstof van bestuderen. We maken gebruik van laboratoria, case-studies en oefentests, om ervoor te zorgen dat jij jouw nieuwe kennis direct in jouw werkomgeving kan toepassen.



Module 1: Design collaborative app solutions and existing app integration (5– 10%)

Assess Microsoft Teams and existing app integration opportunities

  • Assess current Teams adoption level using M365 Maturity Model
  • Identify opportunities for no-code or low-code development (Microsoft Power Platform, Azure Logic Apps, Dataverse for Teams)
  • Assess Teams integration opportunities with existing applications

Design development and production environments

  • Design test, acceptance, production, and deployment strategy to meet solution requirements
  • Design development environment by using Microsoft 365 developer tenant
  • Recommend Azure services for Teams app use cases (serverless compute workflows)
  • Specify app requirements for CI/CD integration
  • Develop an appropriate tooling strategy for a Teams solution, including the Teams Toolkit vs Yeoman Teams Generator
  • Select an appropriate development framework and runtime platform for a Teams solution (including Teams Toolkit for React or Teams Toolkit Blazor)
  • Select an appropriate runtime platform for a Teams solution (including Node.js, .NET, and/or SPFx) Design solution based on technical and business requirements
  • Design authentication scenarios, including for guest users and multitenant authentication
  • Design UI by using Microsoft Teams UI Library, Fluent UI React Northstar, Adaptive Cards, and Microsoft Teams UI Kit for Figma

Module 2: Implement Microsoft identity (15–20%)

Register an application

  • Determine the supported account type
  • Select authentication and client credentials for app type and authentication flow
  • Define app roles

Implement authentication

  • Configure the JavaScript implementation of Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for endpoint and token cache
  • Plan and configure scopes for dynamic or static permission
  • Use the MSAL (JavaScript) login method
  • Implement single sign-on authentication for a bot
  • Implement single sign-on authentication for a tab

Configure permissions to consume an API

  • Configure delegated permissions for the app
  • Configure application permissions for the app
  • Specify and implement consent requirements
  • Grant consent to an application

Implement authorization to expose or consume an API

  • Configure incremental consent scopes
  • Grant scoped permissions to API
  • Call MSAL (JavaScript) using AcquireTokenSilent/AcquireToken pattern

Implement authorization in an API

  • Validate access token
  • Configure effective permissions for delegated scopes
  • Implement app permissions by using roles
  • Use a delegated access token to call a Microsoft API

Create a service to access Microsoft Graph

  • Configure client credentials using a certificate
  • Consume certificates from Key Vault, including using managed identities
  • Configure application permissions for the app
  • Acquire an access token for Microsoft Graph using an application permission and client credential certificate

Module 3: Build apps with Microsoft Graph (10–15%)

Access data from Microsoft Graph

  • Determine whether to retrieve data using a Microsoft Graph SDK or the Graph REST API
  • Get the signed-in user's profile
  • Get a list of users in the organization
  • Get the user object based on the user’s unique identifier
  • Access user data from Microsoft Graph
  • Create, read, update, and delete data
  • Traverse Microsoft Graph to retrieve data
  • Upload files larger than 10 mb to Teams
  • Implement Microsoft Graph Toolkit

Customize responses by using query parameters

  • Use query parameters, including $filter, $select, $orderby, $count, $skip, and $stop
  • Expand and retrieve resources using $expand query parameter
  • Search for resources using $search query parameter
  • Access paged date using $odata.nextLink, $skip, and $skiptoken parameters
  • Test queries and responses by using Microsoft Graph Explorer

Optimize usage of Microsoft Graph resources

  • Monitor for changes using change notifications
  • Combine multiple requests using $batch
  • Get changes using a delta query
  • Detect and handle throttling

Manage a team lifecycle by using Microsoft Graph

  • Get the information on a team by ID
  • Get the list of members in a team
  • Get the list of owners of a team
  • Get the list of teams where the signed in user is a member
  • Provision a team using an existing Teams template
  • Delete or archive a team
  • Update an existing team
  • Enable resource-specific consent

Module 4: Extend and customize Microsoft 365 with SharePoint Framework (15– 20%)

Describe the components of a SharePoint Framework (SPFx) solution

  • Identify the appropriate tool to create an SPFx Web Part project
  • Describe properties of client-side web parts
  • Describe Office UI Fabric (Fluent UI) in client-side web parts
  • Explain when to use an app page
  • Differentiate between app page and web part
  • Describe rendering framework options
  • Describe branding and theming in SharePoint Online
  • Describe Adaptive Card Extensions
  • Describe Viva Connections and Viva dashboard
  • Describe the types of SPFx extensions (Application Customizer, Field Customizer, Command Set extension)

Describe the process to package and deploy an SPFx solution

  • Describe the options for preparing a package for deployment
  • Describe the options for packaging a solution
  • Describe the requirements of tenant-scoped solution deployment
  • Describe the requirements of domain isolated web parts
  • Describe the options to deploy a SPFx solution
  • Describe how to build a Microsoft Teams tab by using SPFx
  • Manually create an app manifest to deploy a SPFx Web Part to Teams

Describe the consumption of Microsoft Graph

  • Describe the purpose of the MSGraphClient object
  • Describe the methods for granting permissions to Microsoft Graph

Describe the consumption of third-party APIs secured with Microsoft Azure

Active Directory (Azure AD), part of Microsoft Entra from within SPFx

  • Describe the purpose of the AadHttpClient object
  • Identify the methods for granting permissions to consume a third-party API

Describe Web Parts as Teams Tabs

  • Describe the considerations for creating a SPFx Web Part to be a Teams Tab
  • Describe the options for deploying a SPFx Web Part as a Teams Tab

Module 5: Extend Microsoft Teams (30–35%)

Create a Microsoft Teams app manifest

  • Configure an app manifest using the Developer Portal
  • Create an app package for a Microsoft Teams app

Create and use task modules

  • Create a card-based task module
  • Create an iframe-based task module
  • Invoke a task module from a tab
  • Invoke a task module from a bot
  • Chain task module invocations

Create a webhook

  • Create an outgoing webhook
  • Create an incoming webhook

Implement custom Teams tabs

  • Create a personal tab
  • Implement device permissions in a personal tab
  • Create a channel/group tab
  • Create a tab with a deep link
  • Create an adaptive card tab

Create a messaging extension

  • Create a search command extension
  • Create an action command extension using an adaptive card
  • Create an action command extension using parameters
  • Add link unfurling

Create conversational, call, and online media bots

  • Create a personal bot
  • Create a group/channel bot
  • Send actionable messages from a bot
  • Create a call bot
  • Create an online media bot
  • Handle incoming calls
  • Transfer incoming calls

Create a meeting extension

  • Describe the capabilities of Microsoft Teams meeting apps
  • Enable and configure apps for Teams meetings
  • Create or integrate apps within the meeting lifecycle
  • Implement shared meeting stage

Module 6: Test, deploy, monitor, and maintain modern enterprise-grade app solutions (5–10%)

Test apps and solutions

  • Design test plans, including Bots, Connectors, Messaging extensions, Meeting extensions, SSO, and Adaptive cards
  • Specify required sample data for testing
  • Deploy sample data by using M365 CLI or PowerShell scripts
  • Execute test plans, including Bots, Connectors, Messaging extensions, Meeting extensions, SSO, and Adaptive cards

Deploy apps and solutions

  • Create or modify app definitions in the Developer Portal for Teams
  • Manage Teams apps packages by using the Developer Portal for Teams
  • Upload a custom app to a single user or team
  • Upload an app to the App Catalog
  • Upload an app to the Developer Portal for Teams
  • Automate deployment of Teams apps

Monitor and maintain published apps

  • Recommend audit settings using Microsoft 365 Audit logging
  • Review and evaluate performance using App Insights
  • Monitor Microsoft Graph API permissions by using the Microsoft 365 compliance centre
  • Assess new SDK versions for impact to published apps
  • Analyse logs, usage data, and audit data

Exam Track

At the end of this accelerated course, you’ll sit the following exam at the Firebrand Training centre, covered by your Certification Guarantee:

MS-600: Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services exam

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: design collaborative app solutions and existing app integration; implement Microsoft identity; build apps with Microsoft Graph; extend and customize Microsoft 365 with SharePoint Framework; extend Microsoft Teams; and test, deploy, monitor, and maintain modern enterprise-grade app solutions.

Passing score: 700


  • Design collaborative app solutions and existing app integration (5–10%)
  • Implement Microsoft identity (15–20%)
  • Build apps with Microsoft Graph (10–15%)
  • Extend and customize Microsoft 365 with SharePoint Framework (15–20%)
  • Extend Microsoft Teams (30–35%)
  • Test, deploy, monitor, and maintain modern enterprise-grade app solutions (5–10%)

What's Included


Before attending this accelerated course, you should have:

  • 1-2 years' experience as a developer.
  • Knowledge of coding and have a basic understanding of REST APIs, JSON, OAuth2, OData, OpenID Connect, Microsoft identities including Azure AD and Microsoft accounts, Azure AD B2C, and permission/consent concepts.
  • Some experience developing solutions on Microsoft Teams and/or SharePoint Framework through all phases of software development.

Weet je niet zeker of je aan de vereisten voldoet? Maak je geen zorgen. Jouw trainingsadviseur bespreekt jouw achtergrond met je om te begrijpen of deze cursus geschikt is voor je.


Wereldwijd heeft Firebrand in haar 10-jarig bestaan al 134561 studenten opgeleid! We hebben ze allemaal gevraagd onze versnelde opleidingen te evalueren. De laatste keer dat we onze resultaten analyseerden, bleek 96.41% ons te beoordelen als 'boven verwachting'

"Very well structured! I found the course very useful and the instructor explained everything very well"
AN. (19/3/2024 (Dinsdag) t/m 21/3/2024 (Donderdag))

"I loved the pace and involvement of the coach. the course is very intensive but worth the price. the infrastructure and venue is fantastic aswell."
Andreas Vandenberghe, Allianz Technology SE. (18/3/2024 (Maandag) t/m 24/3/2024 (Zondag))

"This was my 4th Firebrand training. And as usual the location and training was great! If you want to learn a lot, in a very short time. This is the way to go!"
KV, Tuxito. (21/8/2023 (Maandag) t/m 24/8/2023 (Donderdag))

"I liked the firebrand training very much. This training really helped in deepdiving into key Azure security concepts and tools."
Anoniem (20/2/2023 (Maandag) t/m 22/2/2023 (Woensdag))

"De informatie in deze cursus is perfect voor het behalen van de examens. Veel praktijkgerichten voorbelden"
Anoniem, Guide-IT (18/7/2022 (Maandag) t/m 23/7/2022 (Zaterdag))


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